Former FDA Regulatory Counsel Helps Japanese Exporters Know What To Expect In Post-Tsunami Setting

Jun 3, 2011 | Company News, Law & Regulatory

Benjamin L. England, a former 17-year veteran of the FDA and former Regulatory Counsel, posted a video

today offering his insights into what Japanese exporters should expect in the coming months as they attempt to export products to the United States after the recent earthquakes and tsunami.  In light of the import alert issued by the FDA Mr. England states that, “Even for products that are not on the alert the FDA is conducting testing,” and that FDA scrutiny will be on “substantially more imported food products from Japan.”

“My advice to companies that are in Japan that would like to come off an import alert would be to provide documentation that they have processing controls in place to ensure they are not shipping contaminated product,” says Mr. England. Additionally, Mr. England suggests three ways that Japanese exporters can seek exemption from the import alert: Using a secure source supply, in-house testing of products and documentation proving up to the FDA that they are compliant.

– Benjamin L. England, Founder

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